Swansea University are looking to recruit an Innovation Technologist who will be working on the ACCELERATE programme alongside Cardiff University, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Life Sciences Hub Wales.
ACCELERATE, the Welsh Health Innovation Technology Accelerator project will provide a pan-Wales Health & Life Sciences innovation platform. Building upon the integrated capabilities of the WG Life Sciences Hub, Cardiff University, Swansea University and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, ACCELERATE will orchestrate and develop a sustainable pipeline of innovation across the sector.
The project will address gaps amongst existing initiatives and provide a ‘Team Wales’ capability, accelerating technology push, creating capacity to address unmet clinical need, and developing assistive technologies to support enhanced quality of life. Through orchestration of the Life Sciences & Health ‘ecosystem’ the wider economic and societal potential of the sectors will be realised, in conjunction with AgorIP and other WG-supported initiatives.
Completing the Technology Development & Adoption Pipeline: HTC will support Research, and Enterprise & Innovation and associated Skills Development, by providing a platform for companies and, researchers and students built upon Swansea’s strengths in Biosensors and Devices; Bio-Analytics;. HTC, Led by Swansea University, opportunities requiring technology development/exploitation will be progressed in partnership with private sector, HEIs and other stakeholders.
The role relates to delivery of the European Regional Development Fund co-funded ACCELERATE project involving Operations supported by the West Wales & Valleys and South East Wales ERDF EU Structural Funds Programme. The role is supported on a 75%:25% basis by the respective Programmes, though this will be subject to review throughout delivery of the activity, as profiled in the Business Plan approved by WEFO.
The individual recruited to this post will be a high calibre post-doctoral research scientist with experience of independently leading research projects and a broad skills base, including: research study design, implementation, problem solving, data analysis / interpretation and reporting and a track record of effective delivery. This individual will have expertise that fits into the main research themes of the HTC Operation, including: BioAnalytics, BioDevices, and Biosensors. The Innovation Technologist will be responsible for conducting all feasibility pilot and platform research and development activities.
For more information on the role and to find out how you can apply, click here.