
Neuroblastoma UK Small Grants

Funding available: £5000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Small Grants program supports researchers in developing projects focused on advancing our understanding of neuroblastoma development. This initial funding can serve as a springboard for larger grant applications aimed at pioneering more effective treatment approaches.  

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the neuroblastoma website today! 

Awards for All Wales- The National Lottery

Funding available: £20,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

You have the opportunity to seek funding for initiating new endeavors or sustaining ongoing activities, or to aid your organization in responding and adjusting to emerging challenges. Funding is available for projects that aim to achieve at least one of the following objectives: fostering community connections and robust relationships, enhancing community-relevant locations, aiding individuals in realizing their full potential by providing early-stage support, and assisting people, communities, and organizations grappling with increased demands and challenges due to the cost-of-living crisis.  

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the The National Lottery  website today!

Developmental pathway funding scheme: stage one

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and other interventions. You can apply for academically led translational projects that aim to either: improve prevention, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of significant health needs. Develop research tools that increase the efficiency of developing interventions. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

UKRI Tackling obesity.

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Research funding to improve the health of overweight and obese people. Research should be evidence-based approaches, and effective interventions.   

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

Mental Health Research Leaders Award Round Two

Funding available: £2,500,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Mental Health Research Leaders Award aims to assist higher education institutions (HEIs) that are strategically focused on conducting targeted and applied mental health research to benefit local communities and health and care systems, but currently lack the institutional capacity to do so. Leader Awards offer up to £2.5 million over a maximum of five years, supporting multiple research positions along with public partnership and research inclusion activities. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

Developmental pathway funding scheme: stage one

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and other interventions. You can apply for academically led translational projects that aim to either: improve prevention, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of significant health needs. Develop research tools that increase the efficiency of developing interventions. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

24/12 Improving outcomes for children and young people in care using interventions that combine mentoring with skills training

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The HTA Programme aims to research the effectiveness of healthcare treatments and assessments for NHS and social care services. It seeks proposals addressing specific inquiries deemed significant to the NHS and its patients. The study design must involve a randomised controlled trial with an internal pilot phase.  A trials unit will need to be involved, to implement safeguarding mechanisms. Additionally, the studies must consider the inclusion of an economic evaluation. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/16 The effectiveness of technologies for people living with deafblindness in social care settings

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Deaf and blindness, characterized by the loss of both sight and hearing, impacts communication, mobility, and access to information. It can be congenital or acquired, affecting people of all ages, with an estimated 450,000 affected individuals in the UK, expected to rise to 610,000 by 2035 due to an aging population. Management may involve treating underlying conditions, but social care services and assistive technologies play vital roles in supporting affected individuals. The HTA Programme seeks research to evaluate technological interventions aimed at enhancing the quality of life for those with deafblindness, addressing recruitment challenges and considering additional medical complexities associated with the condition. Proposals should include methodological sub-studies (SWAT) and an internal pilot phase to inform trial processes effectively.

Learn more:

To find out more, visit the NIHR website.

24/11 Nebulised therapy in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and disabling breathlessness

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Nebulised therapy in patients with stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and disabling breathlessness? The aim of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is to ensure that high quality research information on the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and broader impact of healthcare treatments and tests are produced in the most efficient way for those who plan, provide or receive care from NHS and social care services 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/13 Digital technology enabled interventions in Social Care

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The HTA Programme seeks proposals evaluating digital technology-enabled interventions in social care, including those developed under the Application Acceleration funding opportunity. It is interested in various digital technologies for both children and adult services, such as applications for behaviour change, safety-enhancing technologies, digital memory aids, interventions for loneliness, remote assessments, tools for improving digital literacy, and robotics for simple tasks. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity visit the NIHR website today!

24/13 Digital technology enabled interventions in Social Care

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The HTA Programme seeks proposals evaluating digital technology-enabled interventions in social care, including those developed under the Application Acceleration funding opportunity. It is interested in various digital technologies for both children and adult services, such as applications for behaviour change, safety-enhancing technologies, digital memory aids, interventions for loneliness, remote assessments, tools for improving digital literacy, and robotics for simple tasks.

Learn more:

For more information, visit the NIHR website

24/15 Pain management programmes for endometriosis

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Are pain management programmes a clinically and cost-effective intervention for patients with endometriosis-related chronic pain not adequately controlled by surgical and/ or pharmacological treatment? The aim of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is to generate high level  research data on the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and wider implications of healthcare treatments and tests. This research is conducted efficiently to benefit those involved in planning, delivering, or receiving care from NHS and social care services. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/12 Improving outcomes for children and young people in care using interventions that combine mentoring with skills training

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The HTA Programme aims to research the effectiveness of healthcare treatments and assessments for NHS and social care services. It seeks proposals addressing specific inquiries deemed significant to the NHS and patients. The study design involves a randomized controlled trial with an internal pilot phase. Clear criteria will determine the progression from the pilot phase. The Trials Unit will be involved, implementing safeguarding mechanisms. Additionally, the study will consider the inclusion of an economic evaluation.

Learn more:

To find out more, visit the NIHR website.

Wellcome Discovery Awards

Funding available: <£8,000,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This scheme offers funding for established researchers and teams across various disciplines to explore innovative and creative research ideas, aiming to achieve significant breakthroughs in understanding human life, health, and wellbeing. Awards can be up to 8 years and receive £8,000,000.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the Wellcome  website today!

Cancer research transatlantic development and skills enhancement award 2024

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Apply for funding to be hosted at the National Cancer Institute for 6 to 12 months to develop international collaborations and gain skills to advance to the next phase of your cancer research career. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today! 

Cancer Research Transatlantic Development and Skills Enhancement (DSE) Award Round 2

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This award provides funding for UK early to mid-career researchers to spend 6 to 12 months with an intramural research group at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the USA, including campuses in Bethesda, Shady Grove, and Frederick in Maryland. The award is designed for researchers to gain training, develop skills and experience, and establish international collaborations with national cancer institute researchers. It supports their transition to independence in cancer research. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!

24/31 Increasing uptake of vaccinations in populations where there is low uptake

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The PHR Programme aims to commission research evaluating population-level interventions delivered in non-NHS settings that impact the uptake of existing vaccinations available through UK vaccination programmes. More information on UK vaccination and screening programmes is available by registering with the FutureNHS platform. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!

24/52 Liver Disease (EME Programme)

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

NIHR invites high quality, evaluative, applied healthcare research proposals to address important and enduring evidence gaps in liver disease research Areas of particular interest include, Reducing health inequalities, Identification strategies and engagement between services, Behavioural interventions and What to do once liver disease has been identified.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today! 

24/50 Efficacy studies seeking to improve the health and wellbeing of women

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The MRC-NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme welcomes submissions for efficacy trials targeting the enhancement of women's health and wellbeing. This encompasses investigations into conditions exclusive to women or those affecting both genders but potentially impacting women to a greater extent or differently. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!

24/53 EME Application Development Award - For trials evaluating supplementary interventions and technologies intended to improve the effectiveness of fertility treatments

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Proposals submitted to this call should seek to expedite the creation of a trial application assessing interventions and/or technologies, whether individually or in conjunction, to enhance the efficacy of fertility treatments. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!

24/34 Health Technology Assessment Programme Researcher-led (primary research)

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The HTA Programme seeks to fund high-quality, well-designed research conducted by effective and efficient research teams. With an aim to produce findings that address the needs of NHS and social care managers and leaders. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR   website today! 

24/55 Liver Disease (HTA Programme)

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NIHR) seeks high-quality, evaluative, and applied healthcare research proposals aimed at addressing significant and persistent knowledge gaps in liver disease research. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today! 

24/18 Broad call for studies evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of fundamental nursing interventions

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The HTA Programme aims to facilitate high-quality research on the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and broader impact of healthcare treatments and tests for NHS and social care services. Through its commissioned workstream, the program seeks applications addressing specific research questions prioritized for their significance to the NHS, patients, and social care. This brief encompasses a wide range of topics from which the program may potentially fund multiple proposals. We seek proposals from nurses across various life stages and settings, including those in new organizational systems and spanning multiple sectors. In this call, a fundamental nursing intervention refers to a healthcare intervention or technology primarily managed or delivered by nurses, either independently or in collaboration with other healthcare professionals. The international learning collaboration framework defines fundamental care as the actions nurses take to address the physical and emotional needs of patients and service users.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website.

Sarcoma UK Open Grant Round 2024

Funding available: £75,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Sarcoma UK’s 2024 Open Grant Round supports research projects spanning sarcoma research, encompassing both laboratory and clinical studies, as well as PhD studentships. Sarcoma UK is dedicated to funding cutting-edge scientific endeavours aimed at enhancing sarcoma comprehension, advancing treatments, and significantly impacting the lives of sarcoma patients. Potential areas of investigation eligible for funding encompass enhancing understanding of disease biology, improving diagnostic methods, developing novel or improved therapies, and enhancing quality of life.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today! 

Health Technologies Connectivity Awards

Funding available: £500,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Apply for funding to spend time in a different research or user environment to build new connections within health technologies. This award offers opportunities to: Acquire skills and knowledge for venturing into new cross-disciplinary research areas or addressing specific cross-disciplinary research questions. Foster new collaborations or strengthen existing ones, allowing collaboration on pilot research projects. Learn new techniques, tools, or methods applicable to your research. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

Technologies to enable independence for people living with dementia.

Funding available: <£2,000,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Seek funding to establish a Network Plus centered on leveraging innovative tools and technologies to support independent living for individuals with dementia. These networks should encompass multidisciplinary perspectives and incorporate individuals with firsthand experience of dementia. The  goal is to enhance capabilities and unite diverse communities spanning engineering, physical sciences, health, and care sectors to address dementia research challenges. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

Neurosciences and mental health research: research grant: responsive mode

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

UKRI are seeking to fund research in neurosciences and mental health. The Neurosciences and Mental Health Board supports studies in:

  • Neurosciences
  • Mental health
  • Disorders of the human nervous system

Their goal is to enhance understanding of the human nervous system in both health and illness, focusing on physiology, behaviour, treatment, and prevention of brain disorders. They support research on interactions between the nervous system and other body systems, mental and physical health, and the impact of life events on long-term neurological and mental health. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today! 

Infections and immunity: programme: responsive mode

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding for a research programme focused on infections and immunity. The Infections and Immunity Board supports studies on infectious diseases and immune system disorders, addressing both longstanding questions and emerging high-risk opportunities, relevant to the UK and globally. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today! 

EME Advanced Fellowship: Building clinical trials experience

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The MRC-NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme and the NIHR Fellowships Programme are currently accepting applications for a collaborative funding opportunity: the EME Advanced Fellowship - Building Clinical Trials Experience. They are committed to exploring innovative approaches to enhance capacity and expertise in clinical trial conduct. The EME Advanced Fellowship offers aspiring NIHR Advanced Fellows the chance to apply for funding that supports project delivery and provides experience in leading a clinical study within the scope of the EME Programme, under appropriate mentorship. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

LifeArc gene therapy innovation fund

Funding available: £5,000,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Gene Therapy Innovation Fund (GTIF) aims to advance promising gene therapies for people living with rare conditions. Projects must demonstrate a credible technical and financial path to significant patient benefit. The fund provides grants to academic researchers developing new gene therapies that require materials manufactured to GMP (or GMP-like) grade to support their programs. Funding is allocated for academics to utilize the manufacturing capabilities of the Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies and related work. This includes manufacturing process development, process scale-up, development of analytical methods, and production of technical and GMP-compliant batches to support regulatory studies and/or clinical trials. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the LifeArc website today! 

CRUK Early Detection Innovation Sandpit and Award

Funding available: £230,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Early Detection Innovation Sandpit and Award will catalyse new multidisciplinary collaborations to drive forward novel test technologies or novel test combinations for primary care triage. This sandpit is in partnership with the Medical Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the CRUK 

website today!

24/20 NIHR Application Development Award for Health and Care Professionals

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Application Development Awards (ADA) for pre-research development, that include Health and Care Professionals (HCP). Through ADAs and other HCP-focused initiatives, they aim to offer more opportunities for skilled HCPs to become researchers and leaders, fostering a multi-professional approach. HCPs (excluding doctors and dentists) include nurses, midwives, pharmacists, healthcare scientists, and specified Allied Health Professions

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!

24/56 Liver Disease (HSDR Programme)

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programme aims to generate rigorous and relevant evidence to enhance the quality, accessibility, and organization of health and social care services. The NIHR seeks high-quality, evaluative, applied healthcare research proposals to address critical and persistent evidence gaps in liver disease research. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

Heart Research Novel and Emerging Technologies (NET) Grants

Funding available: £300,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding to develop a novel and emerging technology or a new application of an existing technology. NET grants are research projects which focus on the development of new and innovative technologies to diagnose, treat and prevent heart disease and related conditions. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the Heart Research UK website today! 

BBSRC-NC3Rs Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe) Explore

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The BBSRC ICURe Explore programme adapts the scientific method for commercialisation. Over three months, participants will learn to test potential customers' reactions to their ideas, products, or services. The program includes training and practice, with over 100 marketplace interviews, and helps develop transferable business and social skills. Previous participants report that the ICURe Explore support, training, and funding for customer discovery have significantly transformed their perspective on their innovations. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme supports research aimed at improving public health and reducing health inequalities through non-NHS interventions.

The Rapid Funding Scheme (RFS) provides researchers with funding for rapid baseline data collection and feasibility work preceding intervention implementation. Offering an accelerated route to funding for small-scale, time-sensitive proposals, subject to scientific scrutiny.  

Learn more:


The LifeArc Philanthropic Fund

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Fund provides grants and financial support to academic researchers advancing new treatments and diagnostics for rare diseases. This funding enables research projects to stay in academia longer and progress further along the development pathway, making them more attractive to follow-on investors. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the LifeArc  website today!

BHF Special project Grants

Funding available: >£350,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This grant is intended for basic science research projects exceeding £350,000 in cost or spanning more than three years. It also supports funding for studies utilizing datasets only, population and patient-based cohort studies (epidemiology), or experimental medicine studies that surpass the £350,000 threshold or extend beyond three years. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the BHF website today!