Funding available: Discretionary
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This grant supports the translation of fundamental discoveries into benefits for human health. It funds the pre-clinical development and early clinical testing of novel therapeutics, devices and diagnostics, including repurposing of existing therapies.

Funding available: £2,500,000
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The Prevention and Population Research Programme Award is intended to support UK researchers undertaking long-term, broad and multidisciplinary projects with transformative potential in prevention and population research. It is intended to allow applicants the freedom to pursue novel research avenues. 

Funding available: £100,000
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Provides seed funding to develop new relationships, ideas and lines of research, and the generation of pilot data. The aim is to encourage scientists at all career stages to engage with the early detection of cancer field and to drive innovation in how and when cancer is detected.

Funding available: £100,000
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Funding for early career and experienced researchers to develop early, novel and outside-the-box ideas and collaborations to advance the early detection and diagnosis of cancer. The Cancer Research UK Early Detection and Diagnosis Primer Awards provide seed funding to develop new relationships, ideas and lines of research, and the generation of pilot data. The aim is to encourage scientists at all career stages to engage with the early detection of cancer field and to drive innovation in how and when cancer is detected. The awards will support new and exploratory research ideas and/or pilot studies of high scientific risk and potential reward. It will support the development of new partnerships and exploration of highly novel concepts, involving researchers from any research area, including from non-traditional cancer fields. 

Funding available: £200,000
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Grants for UK and international researchers conducting projects to enhance understanding of the mechanisms of epidermolysis bullosa (EB) and develop therapies to benefit people with EB.

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Funding available: £200,000
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The DEBRA UK Project Grants provide funding over two to three years to support UK and international researchers conducting projects within the scope of the DEBRA UK research priorities. Projects must have clear aims and objectives to advance scientific understanding of EB and therapeutic interventions and be feasible and achievable in the stated time period. Applications will be judged on relevance to EB, scientific merit and novelty. 

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Funding available: £275,000
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Fund to support novel and innovative basic, fundamental and translational research into the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer. Any field of research within this area is considered.

Funding available: £165,000
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The grant is targeting innovation in screening and diagnosis for bowel cancer - covering both new innovations/methods and improvements to existing systems - to create a significant shift in the stage at which diagnosis occurs to ensure that as many people as possible benefit from an early diagnosis.

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Bowel Cancer UK

Funding available: £2,500,000
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The scheme provides long term support for broad, multidisciplinary projects in basic and translational research associated with cancer from established individuals. The Cancer Research UK research funding programme awards a wide range of fellowships and grants to support researchers, across all career stages, conducting clinical, pre-clinical, discovery and translational research to advance the detection, diagnosis, treatment, and potential cure, of all forms of cancer. 

Funding available: £300,000
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Aims to support and accelerate the translation of research discoveries into potential new treatments to protect and restore hearing and/or silence tinnitus. It funds projects at both academic institutions and small/medium enterprises in any country.

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Funding available: £25,324
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This call is a pan-European research infrastructure in structural biology and projects can be submitted in the area of development of 'AI tools for Integrated Structural Biology'.

Funding available: £350,000
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Funding for research projects to accelerate the discovery and development of novel and innovative approaches likely to lead to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers affecting children, teenagers and young adults.

Funding available: No limit
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MRC welcome applications from across all areas of our remit to improve human health. This may range from basic studies with relevance to mechanisms of disease, to translational and developmental clinical research, basic studies with relevance to mechanisms of disease, to translational and developmental clinical research.

Funding available: £100,000
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Grants are available to NHS and academic researchers for specific research projects that involve the application of basic and/or clinical science to anaesthesia, critical care or pain management.

Funding available: Discretionary
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This ongoing call seeks to fund high-quality research within specific gaps in the NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) portfolio. Commissioned calls against which NIHR has failed to fund sufficient research will remain open within this call in order to stimulate the required research activity.

Funding available: £800,000
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Provides funding over three to four years to support the creation and operation of virtual centres of excellence that bring together interdisciplinary experts working on issues of strategic relevance to people with cystic fibrosis.

Funding available: Funding not specific
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The Institute's postdoctoral career development fellowships provide an opportunity for exceptional postdoctoral clinicians to consolidate their research experience. Postdoctoral clinicians can apply for funding to spend one year full-time or two years part-time working in a Crick research group, on a project agreed between the fellow and the Crick group leader. The aim of the scheme is to: Foster long-term clinical links and collaborations.Provide clinicians with a postdoctoral extension of their research experience, and with scientific networking, training and career development opportunities at the Crick.Provide a platform from which fellows may apply for external funding such as clinician scientist fellowships, to be held at the Crick or elsewhere. 

Funding available: £3 million
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The Patient Care Pioneer Award provides funding specifically for patient-focused applied research which has direct relevance to leukaemia and/or related diseases. The funding supports innovative patient-centred projects that aim to explore new practical approaches to improve treatment/post-treatment, care, and quality of life for individuals living with leukaemia.

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Leukaemia UK

Funding available: Discretionary
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The fellowships scheme provides support for researchers wishing to undertake independent research and gain leadership skills. They support the transition of early stage researchers to fully independent research leaders.

Funding available: £5,000,000
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Grants available to academic researchers working to advance new gene therapy technologies, ranging from preclinical research through to early clinical studies, with additional funding available to successful projects to enable them to use the manufacturing capabilities of the Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies.

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Funding available: £20,000
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Small grants for UK researchers and teams carrying out early stage innovation on the prevention of gynaecological cancers (womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal).

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Eve Appeal

Funding available: Funding not specific
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement encourages applications that investigate the biology and underlying mechanisms of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is a significant health problem globally. Because of the high incidence and frequent tumour recurrence, bladder cancer exacts an outsized medical burden. While recent progress has been made in the molecular profiling of bladder cancers and identification of mutated genes, relatively little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms driving initiation, progression and malignancy of bladder cancer. Furthermore, understanding of the biological processes of the normal bladder at the molecular, cell and organ levels is limited. Fundamental knowledge of how molecular and cellular functions of the bladder are altered in cancer will aid understanding of bladder cancer biology and contribute to the future development of new interventions. 

Funding available: £99,000
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HIS offers research grants to support research projects in the field of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) and infection prevention and control in the UK or Ireland. The thematic focus is on translational research.

Funding available: £200,000
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This award aims to accelerate and drive forward the development of novel drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's. The initiative should provide researchers with the opportunity to generate essential data and help bridge the gaps needed to get their projects/compounds ready to enter full scale drug discovery with an industry partner.

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Parkinson's UK

Funding available: Funding not specific
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports discrete, well-defined projects in any area of cancer research using the National Institutes of Health R03 small grant mechanism. The National Institutes of Health R03 small grant mechanism supports discrete, well-defined projects that realistically can be completed in two years and that require limited levels of funding. Examples of the types of projects that the R03 grant mechanism include, but are not limited to, the following: Pilot or feasibility studies.Secondary analysis of existing data.Small, self-contained research projects.Development of research methodology.Development of new research technology.

Funding available: Funding not specific
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites mechanistic research that aims to understand how and why expectancy effects occur in a cancer context, elucidate their role in cancer symptom management, and identify patients, symptoms, cancer sites and contexts in which expectancy effects can be leveraged to improve cancer outcomes. Expectancies are defined in this context as beliefs about future outcomes, including one's response to cancer or cancer treatment. Expectancies can be evoked by social, psychological, environmental and systemic factors. Expectancy effects are the cognitive, behavioural and biological outcomes caused by expectancies. Expectancy effects can be generated by expectancies held by patients, clinicians, family members, caregivers and/or dyadic/social networks.

Funding available: Funding not specific
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Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is inviting research projects that implement early phase (Phase 0, I and II) investigator-initiated clinical trials focused on cancer-targeted diagnostic and therapeutic interventions of direct relevance to the research mission of NCI's Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) and Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancies (OHAM). The proposed project must involve at least one clinical trial related to the scientific interests of one or more of the following research programs: Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, Cancer Imaging Program, Cancer Diagnosis Program, Radiation Research Program, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program, and/or the HIV and AIDS Malignancies Research Programs.