
Awards for All Wales- The National Lottery

Funding available: £20,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

You have the opportunity to seek funding for initiating new endeavors or sustaining ongoing activities, or to aid your organization in responding and adjusting to emerging challenges. Funding is available for projects that aim to achieve at least one of the following objectives: fostering community connections and robust relationships, enhancing community-relevant locations, aiding individuals in realizing their full potential by providing early-stage support, and assisting people, communities, and organizations grappling with increased demands and challenges due to the cost-of-living crisis.  

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the The National Lottery  website today!

Neuroblastoma UK Small Grants

Funding available: £5000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Small Grants program supports researchers in developing projects focused on advancing our understanding of neuroblastoma development. This initial funding can serve as a springboard for larger grant applications aimed at pioneering more effective treatment approaches.  

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the neuroblastoma website today! 

UKRI Tackling obesity.

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Research funding to improve the health of overweight and obese people. Research should be evidence-based approaches, and effective interventions.   

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

Developmental pathway funding scheme: stage one

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and other interventions. You can apply for academically led translational projects that aim to either: improve prevention, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of significant health needs. Develop research tools that increase the efficiency of developing interventions. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships offer a leadership development opportunity for mid-career research professionals focused on advancing health care policy and practice.

Co-funded in the UK by the NIHR and The Health Foundation, these fellowships allow recipients to spend a year in the US conducting comparative research with top US experts.

The fellowship provides funding for Fellows to:

  • Deepen their understanding of the US healthcare system and policy
  • Participate in leadership development activities
  • Build a strong network for international collaboration
Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

Research for Patient Benefit - Competition 55

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme is inviting stage 1 applications for research proposals focused on the daily practices of health service staff, aiming to improve patient and NHS user wellbeing.

RfPB, being researcher-led, welcomes proposals on various health service issues without specifying topics.

The programme seeks to fund high-quality quantitative and qualitative research with a clear path to patient benefit, especially those involving significant interaction with patients and the public, conceived with input from relevant service user groups.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

Gap Fund for early-stage development of new healthcare interventions

Funding available: £300,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This scheme supports academically led translational projects that bridge the gap between early-stage ideas and larger funding opportunities like the MRC Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme. Projects should focus on preventing disease, improving diagnosis speed and accuracy, developing new treatments, enhancing patient outcome monitoring, or improving disease management. All human diseases and medical interventions, in both UK healthcare and global health contexts, are eligible. Proposals should have already explored a concept and generated supporting data. Applications must clearly outline the project's core concept, the critical gap, how the proposed plan addresses this gap, and the challenges of further development. Small-scale funding will be provided to generate key data before applying for larger grants. Examples of supported projects include therapeutic discovery, prototype development and testing, biomarker validation, and medicinal chemistry. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

BBSRC-NC3Rs Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe) Explore

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The BBSRC ICURe Explore programme adapts the scientific method for commercialisation. Over three months, participants will learn to test potential customers' reactions to their ideas, products, or services. The program includes training and practice, with over 100 marketplace interviews, and helps develop transferable business and social skills. Previous participants report that the ICURe Explore support, training, and funding for customer discovery have significantly transformed their perspective on their innovations. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

24/72 Increasing social support and parenting skills for parents with learning disabilities

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This study aims to conduct a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating parenting interventions for parents with learning disabilities, focusing on those from underserved populations, such as low socioeconomic backgrounds or non-native English speakers. The interventions should enhance social support and parenting skills, be previously shown effective, and be manualised for broad application. The trial will compare different interventions, with outcomes including children's developmental milestones, wellbeing, safety at home, parental confidence, and social worker concerns. Applicants should define the primary outcome, emphasize objective measures, and include a health economic evaluation. The study design includes an internal pilot phase with stop/go criteria and will focus on outcomes measurable within two to three years, with potential for longer-term follow-up. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!

24/73 Intravascular lithotripsy in peripheral arterial disease

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This randomized controlled trial (RCT) will assess intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) as part of endovascular revascularisation for patients with steno-occlusive peripheral arterial disease in the lower limbs. Participants will be stratified by TASC score and calcification severity. The intervention group receives IVL, while the control group undergoes standard revascularization without IVL. Primary outcomes include amputation-free survival, amputation rates, quality of life, hospital stay, functional ability, pain, and cost-effectiveness. Secondary outcomes include survival, adverse events, reintervention rates, and vessel patency. Core Outcomes should be included unless justified otherwise, with data reported by sex and other demographics. The trial includes an internal pilot phase to test recruitment and adherence, with clear stop/go criteria. Follow-up duration will be determined by applicants. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/70 Earlier stopping of NAC following paracetamol overdose

Funding available: £500,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This study will assess the feasibility of a randomised trial comparing hysteroscopy with polyp removal (outpatient or inpatient) to conservative management for premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding and endometrial polyps. The intervention involves hysteroscopy, while the comparator is conservative medical management, defined by applicants. Recruitment should reflect the broader UK population. Key outcomes include determining patient and clinician equipoise, the acceptability of randomization, and identifying important outcomes like health-related quality of life. The study includes a randomized pilot trial to test recruitment and trial processes, alongside qualitative research to understand patient and clinician perspectives. The goal is to determine if a full-scale trial is viable and to refine its design. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/87 CBT adapted for autistic adults with a mental health problem

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Applicants should select and justify a specific NICE-recommended CBT protocol delivered in NHS Talking Therapies, and adapt it for autistic adults with anxiety or depression. Recruitment should focus on underserved populations with high disease burdens.


The trial will compare the adapted CBT protocol to the unadopted version, ensuring both interventions are delivered with consistent training and supervision. Key outcomes include symptom improvement and cost-effectiveness, with additional outcomes like quality of life, self-harm, and adherence. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!


Funding available: £210,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Rosetrees continuation awards provide ongoing funding for research projects demonstrating exceptional progress. Applications must extend from a current or recently completed Rosetrees-funded project and cannot propose new research.

Research proposals should address an unmet clinical need affecting a significant patient population in the UK. Proposals focused on rare diseases will also be considered if applicants can demonstrate potential applications to a wider range of clinical conditions. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the Rosetree website today! 

Wellcome Discovery Awards

Funding available: £3,500,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This scheme funds established researchers and teams across disciplines to pursue bold, creative research that advances understanding of human life, health, and wellbeing. Focusing on discovery research that generates new insights or shifts in understanding. While proposals may have clinical or societal impacts, the primary goal is to advance knowledge.

Wellcome supports research on fundamental biological processes, the complexities of health and disease, disease burden and its determinants, new methodologies or tools, and the social, ethical, and cultural contexts of health and disease. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the Wellcome website today!

Better Methods, Better Research (BMBR) Programme Researcher-led

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The goal of Better Methods, Better Research is to ensure the use of optimal research methods to advance biomedical, health, and care-related research, policy, and practice across the UK. The program supports methodology research aimed at improving the research methods used by others, ultimately benefiting researchers, patients, and the general population. This ensures that health and social care research and policy are based on the strongest evidence.

To achieve these goals, methodology development must address a demonstrated research need within the MRC or NIHR remit, be applicable beyond a single case study, show early engagement with a wide range of end users, enhance best practices with a clear path to implementation and sustainable impact, and address existing gaps in translating methodological research into practice. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

Clinical Research Funding Scheme

Funding available: £150,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This modular funding scheme supports high-quality clinical research, including translational research and the collection of samples and data. Designed to support our clinical research strategy, this scheme aims to address important clinical questions and deepen understanding of biological mechanisms. The scheme consists of three interconnected modules: clinical trials, experimental medicine, and sample collection. Integrated applications across all modules are strongly encouraged, however standalone or mixed module applications will be considered if well justified.  

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the CRUK website today!

24/103 Efficacy studies seeking to improve the health and wellbeing of women

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The MRC-NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme is seeking applications for efficacy trials focused on improving women's health and wellbeing. Trials may address conditions unique to women or those that affect both genders but impact women differently or more severely. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/96 EME Programme Researcher-led

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme funds bold studies that aim to significantly advance health promotion, disease treatment, and the improvement of rehabilitation or long-term care. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

CRUK Biology to Prevention Award

Funding available: £600,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Biology to Prevention Awards aim to drive translational research that enhances biological and mechanistic understanding of cancer's causes, development, and risk, ultimately leading to precision prevention interventions. Applicants must clearly justify how their work will impact cancer risk reduction or incidence, aligning with the Prevention Research Strategy. This connection should be thoroughly considered. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the CRUK website today!

Healthcare Technology Translation Partnership Scheme Outline

Funding available: £400,000 - £1,500,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This funding opportunity supports the progression of basic research towards application and impact in one of three key challenges: improving population health and prevention, transforming prediction and early diagnosis, and accelerating the development of new interventions. UKRI seek applications that advance engineering and physical sciences research to address unmet healthcare needs within the proposal’s timeframe. Projects must be co-developed and co-delivered with clinical or healthcare professionals, industry partners, and public or patient contributors to maximize impact and facilitate translation. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

24/63 Workforce health

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

What are the most effective interventions that organisations can adopt to improve the physical and mental health of the UK workforce? Workplace ill-health costs the UK economy billions annually, with common issues like minor illnesses, musculoskeletal conditions, and poor mental health leading to lost working days. Successful interventions require committed leadership and a preventive, proactive approach. The PHR Programme seeks research evaluating organizational-wide interventions that address health inequalities and broader health determinants, enhancing the evidence base for effective health interventions across diverse workplace contexts.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/82 Comparing surgery to conservative management for the treatment of tennis elbow with persistent symptoms

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This study aims to assess the feasibility of conducting a randomised clinical trial comparing surgery and conservative management for patients with tennis elbow symptoms persisting for over six months. Eligible participants are those who have experienced symptoms beyond six months. The intervention involves surgery, with the specific type defined by applicants, while the comparator is conservative management such as physiotherapy, allowing for subsequent surgery if necessary. Recruitment efforts should focus on underserved regions with a high incidence of the condition. The primary outcome is to determine the practicality of conducting a full RCT, while secondary outcomes include Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) scores, quality of life measures, and work capability assessments. Conducted in secondary care settings, the feasibility study will explore factors like acceptance of randomization by patients and healthcare professionals and potential recruitment challenges. The decision to proceed with a comprehensive RCT will be based on the findings from this preliminary study. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/59 Behavioural overweight and obesity management interventions that include long term support in achieving and maintaining weight loss in children and young people

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

NICE is updating guidance on 'Weight management: lifestyle services for overweight or obese children and young people' (PH47). The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is particularly interested in the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of long-term behavioral interventions for weight management in children and young people. Addressing childhood obesity is crucial, as it often leads to adult obesity and associated health issues like anxiety, depression, and social stigma. Obesity rates are highest in deprived areas, exacerbating health inequalities.

The PHR Programme seeks research evaluating population-level interventions in non-NHS settings, focusing on long-term support (over six months) for weight management. Research should consider different subpopulations, including ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups, and measure the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and health impact of interventions over 5-10 years. Researchers should involve service users in study design, justify their methodological approach, and include economic and policy considerations. Detailed application guidance and deadlines can be found on the PHR Programme's main funding opportunities page.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

EIC Accelerator 2024 - Short application HORIZON-EIC-2024-ACCELERATOR-01

Funding available: £17,500,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The EIC Accelerator supports SMEs and start-ups in scaling high-impact innovations that can create new markets or disrupt existing ones. It provides funding between EUR 0.5 and EUR 17.5 million, along with Business Acceleration Services. Focusing on 'deep tech' innovations based on scientific discoveries or technological breakthroughs, the program targets projects requiring significant funding over long periods ('patient capital'). EIC Accelerator funding helps attract necessary investments for faster scaling. Eligible projects must have technology tested and validated at least at Technology Readiness Level 5. The program aims to catalyse additional investment for scaling innovations. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the European Commission   website today! 

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme supports research aimed at improving public health and reducing health inequalities through non-NHS interventions.

The Rapid Funding Scheme (RFS) provides researchers with funding for rapid baseline data collection and feasibility work preceding intervention implementation. Offering an accelerated route to funding for small-scale, time-sensitive proposals, subject to scientific scrutiny.  

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BHF Special project Grants

Funding available: >£350,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This grant is intended for basic science research projects exceeding £350,000 in cost or spanning more than three years. It also supports funding for studies utilizing datasets only, population and patient-based cohort studies (epidemiology), or experimental medicine studies that surpass the £350,000 threshold or extend beyond three years. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the BHF website today!

The LifeArc Philanthropic Fund

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Fund provides grants and financial support to academic researchers advancing new treatments and diagnostics for rare diseases. This funding enables research projects to stay in academia longer and progress further along the development pathway, making them more attractive to follow-on investors. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the LifeArc  website today!

NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding for research studies that address the James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnerships' (PSPs) research priorities.

The JLA PSPs bring together patients, carers, and clinicians to identify key research priorities in health and care. Their goal is to ensure health research addresses the most important issues for those who use it. We are offering ongoing research funding through four of our programs, with funding rounds reopening shortly after each round closes, allowing applications at any time.

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

Care, support, and rehabilitation for patients with brain tumours

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This funding opportunity invites applications from professionals in brain tumour diagnosis, follow-up, rehabilitation, supportive, and end-of-life care, from various health and care backgrounds. NIHR particularly encourage applicants from under-represented fields, including allied health professionals (AHPs), nurses, and mental health specialists involved in brain tumour care, support, and rehabilitation, as lead, joint-lead, or co-applicants. Studies may focus on any type or grade of primary brain tumours in adults or children, including benign, cancerous, metastasised, recurrent, or relapsed tumours, and those in remission or living with brain cancer. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today! 

Neurosciences and mental health: programme: responsive mode

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

The Neurosciences and Mental Health Board aims to deepen understanding of the nervous system in health and disease, and improve treatments for brain disorders. They support research on the nervous system’s interaction with the body, and how life events impact long-term mental and neurological health. Priority areas include neurodegeneration, mental health, addictions, learning disorders, cognitive and sensory neuroscience, and neurobiology. This funding supports coordinated projects addressing related questions across a broad research area. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI  website today!

Molecular and cellular medicine: new investigator: responsive mode

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding for new investigators to grow into independent researchers, focusing on research that advances understanding in molecular and cellular medicine.

The Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board (MCMB) supports studies on biological mechanisms and technologies related to human health, including areas such as cell biology, structural biology, genetics, stem cell biology, molecular haematology, and cancer. Prioritising research on molecular structures, cellular environments, responses to disease or toxins, and the development of tools like nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and medical bioinformatics. Cancer research, from discovery to early translation, is a key focus. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today! 

Infections and immunity: new investigator: responsive mode

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding for new investigators ready to become independent researchers, with proposals that advance understanding in infections and immunity. The Infections and Immunity Board  supports research that deepens our knowledge of human infectious diseases and the immune system’s role in inflammation, immune-mediated diseases, and cancer. This includes studying human pathogens, immune system disorders, and conditions caused by immune dysregulation.

They aim to fund a diverse portfolio, addressing key issues and emerging opportunities relevant to both the UK and globally. Areas of interest include pathogens, immunology, inflammation, antimicrobial resistance, chronic infections, vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today! 

Applied global health research: invited stage two

Funding available: £150,000 - £1,000,000
Closing date:
Funding overview:

Funding for research projects that will drive tangible change in health policy and practice in the near future through practical, impact-driven research. Support ranges from feasibility studies with impact evaluation and stakeholder engagement, late-stage intervention development and testing (including global health trials from phase 2b onwards), implementation and scale-up research, health economics within broader health intervention projects, studies on the impact of policy changes on health with a multisectoral approach, and environmental, cultural, and social approaches in health-focused projects, as well as applied modelling research. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the UKRI website today!

24/68 Management of blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension and symptomatic postural hypotension

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

HTA offers insights into the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of care as delivered in typical clinical settings, accounting for the diverse range of patients eligible for the interventions being studied. Research should focus on patients with a history of essential hypertension and postural hypotension with symptoms like light-headedness or falls. Studies should consider the diverse clinical features and underlying mechanisms, particularly in underserved populations.

The intervention should prioritize hypertension control, while the comparator focuses on managing postural hypotension symptoms. Key outcomes include changes in symptoms and blood pressure control, along with hospital admissions, quality of life, and health economics. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/74 Hysteroscopy and polyp removal for the improvement of premenopausal abnormal uterine bleeding

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This feasibility study will evaluate whether a randomized trial comparing hysteroscopy with polyp removal (outpatient and inpatient) to conservative management is viable for treating premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding diagnosed with endometrial polyps. The intervention group will receive hysteroscopy and polyp removal, while the control group will get conservative medical management, defined and justified by applicants. Key objectives include assessing equipoise from patients and clinicians, recruitment feasibility, and the acceptability of randomization. Important outcomes to determine include health-related quality of life, potential benefits and harms, and trial delivery feasibility. Applicants should report data disaggregated by sex, gender, and other demographics. The study will be conducted in any suitable setting and include a randomized pilot phase to test recruitment, adherence, and other trial processes. Qualitative research with patients and clinicians will explore their decisions and the role of hysteroscopy versus conservative management. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR website today!

24/75 Alternate day caplacizumab for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Funding available: Not specified
Closing date:
Funding overview:

This study aims to evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of an alternate day caplacizumab regimen compared to daily dosing in patients with immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP) who have achieved normal platelet counts. The intervention group will receive caplacizumab every other day, while the control group will continue with daily dosing, both in addition to standard care. Key outcomes include TTP relapse or exacerbation, bleeding events, and maintenance of normal platelet count. Secondary outcomes include adverse events, cost-effectiveness, and quality of life. Core Outcomes should be included unless otherwise justified, with data reported by sex and other relevant demographics. The study will be conducted in secondary care settings, featuring an internal pilot phase to assess recruitment and adherence, with clear stop/go criteria guiding progression to the full trial. Follow-up duration will be defined and justified by applicants. 

Learn more:

For more information or to apply for the funding opportunity, visit the NIHR  website today!