Wales is home to a thriving innovation ecosystem, delivering new technologies to the health and social care frontline for the benefit patients and service users.

Case studies are an excellent way to demonstrate how industry, health, social care, and academia are working together to inspire new ways of thinking, transforming health and social care systems, and demonstrating the wide range of innovation across the nation.

If you have a case study which you would like to share with us for publishing on our website, please complete the form below.

If you have any issues or need further guidance, please email 

(Please note that this form will not autosave, so we advise completing the relevant sections in a word document and copying the information over.)

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Case Study information

Provide a short and snappy title for your case study.
Sum up what the project was in 2 to 3 sentences or bullet points.
Provide a short introduction to your case study.
Provide any details in relation to why the project was initiated: what need were you trying to answer?
How did the project get off the ground? What needed to happen?
What challenges did you face along the way? How did you deal with them? What did you learn from them?
What did you achieve at the end of the project? Do you have any data / statistics you can include as evidence? What will the impact be on patients, service users, staff involved in your project?
Did any specific organisation/s provide funding to support the project?
Who was involved in the project? Name all stakeholders. What was the role of each partner in the project?
What are the next steps for this project?
Tell us where you want people to go after they read your case study. This could be a website, email address etc.
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Provide any links to videos, imagery etc. that you would like featured in the piece.



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