Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Within Wales there are over 2,300 patients diagnosed with lung cancer each year, less than 20% of these are diagnosed at early stage when they are eligible for curative treatment. It has been shown that early diagnosis leads to improved survival.

Hywel Dda University Health Board launched a pilot service, LUMEN, a Nurse-led phone service aimed at any member of the public aged 40 with suspected lung cancer symptoms.
Project aims
The overall aim of the service is to provide a clinically safe and effective solution to help engage with the public, inform them of the symptoms of lung cancer and to improve the outcomes for those who are concerned that their symptoms could be due to lung cancer. This is by providing timely access to diagnostics, and to reduce the morbidity of patients.
Project kick-off
The project launched in August 2022 as part of the Moondance Cancer Initiative’s Innovation Time Award. This was created to encourage and support colleagues across Welsh health and care services to adopt practical and clinical innovations to improve cancer outcomes with immediate impact.
The LUMEN project initially launched in Carmarthenshire only, and by October 2022 opened up to both Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Project challenges
Communication about the pilot was most challenging. Engaging with anyone about their own health is a difficult task, adding the additional weight of cancer, makes this even more challenging. We were extremely lucky to have support from members public and patient involvement and our communications team to develop our communications packages, social media and posters.
Project outcomes
We are currently in the data interpretation phase and hope to publish our findings by the end of the year.
Project funding
Moondance Cancer Initiatives' Innovation Time Award supplied the majority funding, with Hywel Dda University Health Board supporting any additional funds.