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Four teams from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board have been recognised for their outstanding achievements in cancer services at the Moondance Cancer Awards. 

QuicDNA team award

The awards – which are Wales’ only dedicated cancer awards - aim to celebrate and spotlight individuals and teams across NHS Wales and its partners who deliver, lead and innovate cancer services.

QuicDNA - developed by the All-Wales Medical Genomics Service in collaboration with a multitude of partners, including Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Velindre Cancer Centre and Life Sciences Hub Wales - was awarded the accolade for Working with Industry and 3rd Sector in the Innovation and Improvement category. The pioneering project uses liquid biopsy testing upon suspicion of lung cancer to accelerate access to targeted treatments. 

Also named as winners was the Regional Hepatocellular Carcinoma Service for South Wales, run in partnership between Cardiff and Vale, Aneurin Bevan and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Boards, which scooped the Cancer Workforce award in the Innovation and Improvement category. The team was awarded the accolade for its development of a clinical and holistic service to improve outcomes for patients living with liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). 

The Expansion of Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service, run by the Teenage Cancer Trust and Cardiff and Vale UHB, was named joint winner of Better Patient Experience for developing an outreach model ensuring young people with cancer across south Wales can access holistic services and support.  Led by a Teenage and Young Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist and two youth support co-ordinators, the service has seen a significant increase in referrals since it was implemented. 

The Cardiff and Vale team behind the All-Wales Colorectal Peritoneal Metastasis Service, took home the Cancer Treatment award for the establishment of this first-of-its-kind service for Wales. Prior to its introduction, the only option for patients diagnosed with peritoneal metastases was to receive palliative chemotherapy, unless they applied to receive this potentially curative treatment over the border in England, decided on by a case-by-case basis. The team at Cardiff & Vale have worked with experts at the internationally recognised centre of excellence - the Basingstoke Peritoneal Malignancy Institute - to bring this treatment to Wales.  

The judging panel praised team members for showing extensive innovation, dedication and self-development to provide high standards of care for patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases in Wales.  

Jody Parker, consultant colorectal surgeon at Cardiff and Vale UHB and project lead on the All-Wales Colorectal Peritoneal Metastasis Service, said: 

“To be recognised at the awards is amazing. It symbolises all the hard work that goes on by people here tonight – and those who aren’t here -everyone behind the scenes who work hard day to day to ensure that patients continue to benefit from the services we provide.” 

This year’s winners were judged by an esteemed panel of experts and leaders including: Professor Tom Crosby, Cancer Clinical Director for Wales; Cari-Anne Quinn, CEO of Life Sciences Hub Wales; Judith Paget CBE, Director General of Health & Social Services & Chief Executive of NHS Wales and Professor Kamilla Hawthorne, GP & Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners. 

Commenting on the Moondance Cancer Awards, Dr Rob Orford, CEO of Moondance Cancer Initiative, said: 

“The awards were created to both celebrate and thank the people who have dedicated their time to improving and pioneering detection, diagnosis and treatment pathways across cancer services in Wales. We hope that by shining a spotlight on these people, we can help inspire tomorrow's solutions for survival. We’re so pleased that so many people from across health care in Wales came to celebrate with us. Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who was nominated across Wales.

“These awards really showcase that improvement is both possible and is happening across Wales’ cancer services. At Moondance, we find, fund and fuel brilliant people with brave ideas to improve cancer outcomes for Wales. If you, or your team, is interested in discussing an idea, please get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.”

For more information on the awards, visit: Moondance Cancer Awards | Moondance Cancer Initiative (