Health Technology Wales (HTW) is working with partners in health and social care to support the response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Health Technology Wales is inviting COVID-19 related research questions, evidence reviews and requests for economics support.
Dr Susan Myles, Director of Health Technology Wales, said:
“We welcome opportunities to collaborate with peer organisations and we’re already talking to fellow HTA bodies about the ways we can collaborate. As we respond to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation, it’s imperative that we share information with decision makers as quickly as possible.”
A dedicated web page has been launched to detail Health Technology Wales’ activities and visitors can access information at:
Health Technology Wales can also provide:
- Rapid evidence summaries and reviews on emerging evidence for COVID-19 diagnostics and therapeutics
- FREE advice to technology developers and companies who are developing therapeutics and diagnostics related to COVID-19, including advice on evidence collection, evidence generation and economic modelling.
Health Technology Wales has also produced an evidence digest, which collates evidence related to COVID-19. The quick-guide will be updated regularly.
Organisations involved in Health Technology Assessments (HTA), guidelines and economic modelling are also being invited to collaborate and share resources with Health Technology Wales.
More information about coronavirus disease (COVID-19):