This group will lead the development of advanced analytics capability across health and care in Wales. The overall purpose of this group is to enable, design and deliver the AAG work programme in the Improvement and Innovation Workstream to meet the objectives of the Digital Health and Care Strategy, at pace and scale.
Alisha Davies from Public Health Wales Presents on Welsh Networked Data Lab
Alisha Davies from Public Health Wales presented on the progress with the Networked Data Lab (NDL) in Wales. Having received £400k in funding from The Health Foundation, the NDL is a collaborative network of analytical teams across the UK working together on share challenges, promoting the use of linked data and analytics to improve health and social care.
Group Explores Topological Data Analysis
The group was joined by Simon Rudkin (Swansea University) and Paweł Dłotko who delivered a presentation on Topological Data Analysis for Health Data. The below presentation was an introduction to this type of data analysis and showcased the opportunities it provides.
Group Reconvenes
After a break due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the group resumes in June 2020. Co-chair Paul Howells delivers the below presentation to the group with a general update and roadmap.
Catalogue of Innovative Uses of Data
The group revised the latest version of the catalogue of innovative uses of data which is a catalogue of analytical projects that are ongoing.
Presentations & Engagement Plan Development
The group welcomed representatives from CAVUHB and HDdUHB to present their successful analytics bid to the Health Foundation. The group also discussed the next steps surrounding the engagement aspects of the work plan.
Outline Work Programme
During the third meeting the group revised the draft outline work programme constructed by NWIS and discussed the innovative uses of data catalogue. As a result of this meeting the NWIS team will go forward and draft a terms of reference.
National Data Resource
The group met again on 14th of June 2019 for an update on the National Data Resource and a discussion surrounding the proposed work programme for the group. Also, a representative from Velindre presented to the group on how advanced analytics can benefit service delivery.
First Meeting
The first meeting of the Advanced Analytics Group for Wales was held on the 13th of February 2019 and was attended by 25 of Wales’ leading data science professionals including representatives from NWIS, ONS and the 7 Welsh health boards.
Member List Created
Sally Lewis (National Clinical Lead for Value-Based and Prudent Healthcare at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board) was appointed as Chair and Paul Howells (Programme Lead for DHEW and NDR at NWIS) pulled an invite list together.
Advanced Analytics Group is Formed
Workstream 3 decided to create the Advanced Analytics Group to bring together data scientists across the health sector to coordinate, work better and highlight the importance of data science in healthcare.