Value-Based Health and Care Bespoke Consultancy Service
Implementing Value-Based principles in health and social care systems can be difficult. While the Academy’s education programmes and degrees will equip organisations with a good understanding of how best to adopt Value-Based Health and Care, some organisations or teams may require additional support.
The Academy can develop tailored programmes of education, advice, mentorship, and ongoing support if required, all designed to meet the needs of your organisation or team.
If you would like further information on the Academy’s consultancy service, contact:
Value-Based Health and Care Research Opportunities
The Value-Based Health and Care Academy is working with health and care systems, academic, and life science industry partners to provide thought-leadership as well as to investigate how to overcome the challenges of Value-Based Health and Care adoption and implementation.
If you would like to explore how the Value-Based Health and Care Academy can help your research, evaluation or collaboration needs, contact: