Life Sciences Hub Wales

The Med-Tech World Summit 2023 proved to be an exceptional gathering of over 1,500 attendees, from over 50 countries with over 200 expert speakers. Programme Lead Delyth James shares some insights and key takeaways from October’s Med-Tech World Summit in Malta.

Argraffiadau o Med Tech World 2023

I recently had the privilege of attending the Med Tech World 2023 event in the heart of Valletta, Malta, and it was nothing short of extraordinary. Hosted at the picturesque venue of the Mediterranean Conference Centre, this event served as an unparalleled platform where ground-breaking ideas met real-world applications. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and anticipation, and the air was thick with the spirit of innovation.

I was looking to forge valuable connections with industry leaders, exchange innovative ideas, and stay abreast of cutting-edge technologies and I was definitely in the right place. My presence at the conference was driven by the desire to foster collaborations that would not only enhance our digital health ecosystem in Wales but also contribute to the global dialogue on healthcare innovation.

The Med Tech World 2023 event was not just a showcase of cutting-edge technology; it was a melting pot of ideas and collaborations. One of the most significant highlights was the diverse range of attendees. Start-ups, well-established industries, clinicians, and the voices of the future—students and newcomers in the med tech world—all came together under one roof. The networking opportunities were unparalleled, creating an environment where new partnerships were forged, and innovative projects were conceived.

DHEW MedTech


Flying the flag for Wales

I was far from being alone in championing our nation’s advancements in the med tech realm. Dr. Huw Williams from Cardiff University graced the stage, eloquently discussing the future of medical education, illuminating pathways toward a more informed and skilled healthcare workforce. Additionally, Dr. Mohid Khan, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board presented a compelling vision of how digital technologies can rejuvenate clinical trials, injecting efficiency and precision into the heart of medical research.

Dr Huw Williams, Emergency Medicine Consultant at Prince Charles Hospital and Programme Director at Cardiff University, said:

“Fantastic connections were made at the Med Tech event in Valletta, with innovative ideas and routes forward that I certainly will be taking back to both the NHS and University. From auditing tools for our students/staff, to wound review technology to be used at the front door, I’m looking forward to seeing where this will lead.”

As a representative of Life Sciences Hub Wales, I was on hand at our stand, engaging with curious minds eager to explore the innovative landscape of Wales. It was a delight to guide attendees toward Rhiannon Evans from the Welsh Government, a powerhouse of knowledge on importing opportunities into the Welsh life science arena. The synergy between academia, government, and industry was palpable, painting a vibrant picture of collaboration and shared goals.

Rhiannon Evans, Senior Trade and Investment Manager, Welsh Government said:

“A pleasure to raise the profile of our Life Science Sector in Wales alongside the Life Sciences Hub Wales at Med Tech World in Malta. Great to see such a genuine interest in Wales and the Welsh ecosystem, an invaluable two days connecting with companies across Europe and beyond.”

Dr Mohid Khan, Consultant in Gastroenterology & Neuroendocrine Tumours, Cardiff and Vale UHB / Clinical Lead, South Wales Neuroendocrine Cancer Service / Honorary Lecturer, Cardiff University / Digital Health Tech Consultant said:

“‘It was great to meet like-minded people from different areas of the digital health tech world at the Med Tech event in Malta. The connections made will hopefully provide opportunities to bring innovative digital solutions into NHS Wales, Clinical Research, and Health Technology Wales, with a genuine intention to solve clinical problems and generate value-based evidence.”

Del, Huw, Rhiannon and Mohid pictured

Amidst the plethora of opportunities for networking, I found myself privileged to be part of the exclusive VIP dinner hosted by Enterprise Malta. This was the ideal opportunity to exchange ideas with Kurt Farrugia, CEO of Enterprise Malta, a true trailblazer shaping the future of business.

Moreover, the next day I was honoured to be introduced to Hon. Dr. Miriam Dalli, Minister for Environment, Energy, and Enterprise at the Government of Malta, who is a remarkable leader driving change at the intersection of environment, energy, and enterprise. The conversations held, the knowledge shared, and the connections made during this event were nothing short of transformative and I look forward to seeing how they play out and the impact they will have for our organisation and the wider innovation ecosystem in Wales.

Each discussion, whether in the halls of the conference or under the starlit Maltese sky, fuelled the fires of innovation burning within all of us. It reinforced the belief that in the world of med tech, collaboration is not just a choice but a necessity, and events like Med Tech World serve as the catalysts for these collaborations to flourish.

Reflecting on Med Tech World 2023

As I reflect on the Med Tech World 2023 experience, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to represent Wales, share our accomplishments, and learn from the global community of innovators. The event organizers, led by the dynamic duo Dylan Attard and Gavin Schranz, along with the entire team, deserve commendation for curating an experience that surpassed all expectations.

The event stands as a testament to the boundless potential of human ingenuity and collective effort. Here's to the future, where our shared endeavours will undoubtedly redefine the landscape of healthcare, one innovation at a time. Med-Tech are calling on speakers for the next world summit in 2024!

Med-Tech once again will be opening its doors to visionary speakers who want to help shape the future of the MedTech industry. Do you have insights, experiences, or innovative ideas to share? Med-Tech invites you to be a part of the 2024 event. Apply to be a speaker today.