The Endocrinology Service at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board collaborated with KeepMeWell Ltd to pilot the use of an app-based digital solution, to help prevent the problem of patients having out-of-date emergency hydrocortisone drug product, which is critical for management during an adrenal crisis.

Project aims
The Endocrinology Service at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board were keen to implement a digital solution for ensuring that all patients with adrenal insufficiency have access to in-date emergency hydrocortisone injection kit, with prompt issue of prescription for replacement stock when nearing expiration. This is in direct response to a National Patient Safety Notice (Welsh Gov.PSN057/June 21) to safeguard patients with adrenal insufficiency, which stipulated that all patients should have access to in-date emergency hydrocortisone drug product.
Project kick-off
The clinical team and the company KeepMeWell Ltd met to discuss the initial project outline. The team completed an internal service evaluation, patient questionnaire, outlining the project aims and also requested funding approval. Appropriate Information Governance documentation, data protection agreements and cloud based security forms were completed. A Patient information leaflet and instruction sheet were designed for patients to use the platform. Patients were on-boarded by the Clinical team and data and feedback was collected.
Project challenges
The initial instruction sheet had to be updated with more images to assist patients with limited digital knowledge. The main learning point was to try and make information as clear and concise for end-users of the platform.
Project outcomes
For the age group 18-40 yr olds, 55.6% had a current in-date supply of emergency hydrocortisone. For the age group 41-65 year olds, 33% had in date supply of in-date emergency hydrocortisone and for the 66 plus year old group, 60% had an in-date supply of emergency hydrocortisone. All patients were willing to receive the app-based platform and felt that it was life-saving. The project was accepted for presentation at the British Society of Endocrinology in November 2022. Both the clinical team and patients regarded the pilot as being successful and the Health Board have adopted the platform for routine use for their Service.
This has had a positive impact for patients as they are notified when their medication is expiring. The Clinical Team is also notified when a repeat prescription must be issued. Thus, saving the clinical team time and resource, in addition to tightening patient safety for drug medication.
To-date, 70 patients have started using the app with 50 renewal prescriptions already issued. The most common feedback comment rating from patients and Endocrine nurses is ‘life-saving’.
Project funding
The Endocrinology Service at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board funded the pilot.
Project team and partners
- Dr Andrew Lansdown, Clinical Lead and Consultant Endocrinologist
- Sister Janet Lewis, Lead Endocrine Nurse
- SN Stacey Hughes
- Seetal Bhabra - CEO KeepMeWell Ltd
Next steps
To expand the use of Device-Link for a broad repertoire of products such as registering implantable devices, growth hormone, insulin pens and many other auto-injectors/ medical device products.
The next steps are to adopt and scale for other products across Wales and beyond.
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