Dr Arif Anwary - Health Technology Centre Innovation Technologist

Arif has more than 15 years of experience working with R&D projects and four years of teaching experience. Arif brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Healthcare Technology Centre drawing on a large portfolio of multidisciplinary projects (Sensors: wearable, ambient and vision; signal processing, IoT/cloud, machine learning, gait analysis, statistical shape analysis, fuzzy system and rapid prototyping).
Arif completed PhD from Bournemouth University where he investigated gait variability across different age groups. He developed a wireless wearable multi-sensor based personalized gait monitoring system to identify changes, monitoring of asymmetry, classify abnormality and assess fall risk. It enables opportunity to support evaluation and rehabilitation of patients with gait abnormality and poor mobility at home. His innovative projects achieved many national and international prizes.
He developed Jontre Bangla Bornomalar Hatekhori (Digital Braille) which achieved Runner Up prize at IUPS, CSE Festival-2011. His intelligent Robot: Bangla-Manob achieved Second prize at SOFTEC2005, 1st All Asia & 10th All Pakistan Software Competition. He received First prize for Voice Controlled Robot demonstrated at 5th NSU SoftFair 2004, North South University. He developed a number of other projects: Earth-Quake data acquisition, Self-Learning Braille, Refreshable Digital Braille Display, Sensor-integrated Urometer, Smart Sitting Posture Monitoring