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Hospitality Suite, Cardiff Metropolitan University - Llandaff Campus

Explore new pathways and research connections with this exciting series of ‘Collaboration Kick-Off' events. 

A woman applauding at a conference

Dr. Teksin Kopanoglu is a Senior Lecturer in Product Design Engineering. Her research focuses on using the power of design to enhance health and wellbeing. She uses design-led thinking methods, particularly Participatory Design and Human-Centred Design, to engage people/stakeholders in exploring future healthcare experiences, technologies, and services.

This session is part of a series designed to foster new research collaborations by connecting attendees with research-active academics. Dr. Kopanoglu will share insights into her expertise and the collaborative projects she aims to initiate. The event includes a 20-minute talk followed by a 40-minute Q&A session, with opportunities for networking and refreshments.

Open to Cardiff Met staff, researchers, and businesses interested in exploring collaboration opportunities.

Interested in attending?