We will also meet our obligations under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, as set out in our compliance notice, which established a legal framework to impose duties on public organisations to comply with one or more standards of conduct on the Welsh Language.

The Life Sciences Hub Wales Welsh Language Policy describes how we will:

  • Celebrate the bilingual nature of Wales
  • Meet the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards and ensures that LSHW complies with these requirements and aims for best practice
  • Facilitate and promote the use of Welsh in Wales
  • Provide principles within which we operate to ensure that LSHW offers a quality service in Welsh
  • Raise our profile and corporate reputation and be recognised by Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers alike (including internationally) as a good example of a public organisation in Wales
  • Ensure accessibility and wider access and strengthen our appeal both within and outside Wales; and
  • Strengthen our ability to meet the requirements of our partners and work closely with Welsh Government and the Welsh Language Commissioner.

We see this policy as forming part of a progressive and forward-looking commitment within the Life Sciences community to facilitate and promote the use of Welsh in a bilingual Wales. We have a Welsh Language group which seeks to continuously develop and improve this.

Welsh Language Complaints

Any complaints relating to compliance with the Welsh Language Standards or the failure of our organisation to provide a Welsh language service will follow our Welsh Language Complaints Policy

Any complaint relating to the Welsh language can be directed to the Welsh Language Commissioner.