Life Sciences Hub Wales are working with industry to help boost the supply of goods and develop solutions which address the immediate needs of NHS Wales.
We have a range of frequently asked questions about the process for addressing the immediate needs of NHS Wales.

Guidance for producing PPE
It is vital that products on offer are safe and legitimate. Please refer to the current government guidelines for the regulatory status of equipment and Helpful Links and Documents below.
To pursue your application for CE marking with BSI and also follow the process detailed in section 7 of the OPSS guidance.
For products which do not currently meet these guidelines a request for exemptions and relaxations can be submitted to the Department for Business, Energy and Industry Strategy (BEIS). Contact:
There's also information on HSE exemptions and relaxations.
Helpful Links and Documents
Office for Product Safety and Standards Guidance for Business
Technical Specifications for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)