As 2020 comes to a close, leading lights across industry and healthcare will come together at this year’s virtual Innovation Awards on Wednesday 2 December.

MediWales is set to showcase the incredible achievements of the life sciences and healthcare communities at its 15th annual Innovation Awards ceremony.
Now, more than ever, it is important to celebrate the dedication and innovation from organisations that are making a significant difference to the nation’s heath, care and wellbeing. Life Sciences Hub Wales is delighted to be supporting this digital event, which offers an opportunity to share these impressive accomplishments with a wider audience.
There are 11 award categories spanning industry and health and social care:
Industry Awards
• Innovation
• Start-up
• Partnership with the NHS
• Export
• Outstanding Covid achievement
NHS Awards
• NHS Wales working with industry
• Digital impact
• Scaling up innovation and transformation
• Health and social care research partnership award with industry
Registration for the online ceremony is open to all, allowing attendees to virtually connect with key stakeholders working across the life sciences and health and social care sectors.
The event will start at 2pm, with digital networking and the live ceremony commencing at 2.30pm. There will be the opportunity for further networking after the winners are announced.
Cari-Anne Quinn, Chief Executive Officer at Life Sciences Hub Wales said:
“This year, in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen a wealth of innovative solutions developed and adopted by life sciences and health and social care sectors across the nation. Life Sciences Hub Wales is particularly proud to be working with MediWales again to help celebrate the hard work that is helping to deliver better health and wellbeing. We are excited to continue looking forward by supporting innovators who are not only addressing the problems of today, but also ensuring that our health and social care system is better prepared for our future needs.”