This week, in partnership with Business News Wales, we launch a dedicated channel that focusses on industry’s developments across health technology in Wales.

Health Technology News designed to act as a one-stop shop for industry news, latest developments, exciting events and breaking news stories in one easy location.
With Health Technology Wales and Cardiff Capital Region as supporting partners, we’ll be providing comprehensive updates through monthly podcasts, e-newsletters, articles and opinions written by expert columnists as well as networking opportunities and events.
Cari-Anne Quinn, CEO, Life Sciences Hub Wales, commented: “The launch of this new channel provides us with a substantial platform from which we can communicate with the business community and industry partners. We totally understand the importance of developing collaborative working partnerships and look forward to engaging with the Welsh business network.”
Dr Susan Myles, Health Technology Wales Director commented: “We’re excited to be a partner in this new channel for the health technology industry. It’s our role to provide a national approach to the identification, appraisal and adoption of non-medicine health and care technologies. Furthering collaboration between care systems and industry is essential to make a real difference to people’s lives in Wales and this new platform is a welcome opportunity to create beneficial cross-sector relationships.”
Mark Powney, MD at Business News Wales, commented: “There is a great deal of progression and momentum within the world of the Health Technology industry in Wales, however many businesses across Wales have yet to realise the opportunities that this may offer them, and this is where Business News Wales can make a big impact.
Get involved!
If your business would like to get involved in this new channel contact