The Welsh Health Hack returned for the fourth time this January, in Anglesey north Wales. The event, hosted by event partners M-SParc, was attended by over 100 people across industry, academia and the NHS.

What is the Welsh Health Hack?
This revolutionary marathon style event encourages colleagues (challengers) across health and social care to present key challenges they are facing within their organisation or across their region. Industry experts and academics are invited along to help work up solutions to those challenges, in a safe, supportive and creative environment.
How the hack works
Our challengers present their challenges to the wider group and buddy up into suitable teams for a 24-hour period on development. Teams at our event in January included industry partners from Fujitsu and InHealthcare, academics from Bangor University and staff from across the NHS in Wales and beyond.
24 hours later the teams reconvened, and potential projects (solutions) were pitched in a ‘Dragons Den’ style pitch.
Judges on this occasion included representatives from the event partners; Bevan Commission, Life Sciences Hub Wales, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Digital Communities Wales.
A number of pitches were successful on the day, and the projects that received funding were:
- Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, CAHMS and Fujitsu UK - to develop an app to help young people with their mental health
- Bangor University, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Dr Bryan Griffiths – ‘NEWS Bunny’ to help hospital patients with isolation
- Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Bangor University – for the development of a ‘Digital Bike’
If you want to get a better idea of what the Welsh Health Hack is all about, watch our short video with one of the winners below:
Life Sciences Hub Wales would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to our partners, the Bevan Commission, M-Sparc, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and MediWales for helping to bring the Hack to north Wales and ensuring its delivery was a success.
Success of previous winners…
Find out what happened when the BAPS App won in 2018 and see just how far they have come.