Step complete
Step complete
Step complete

DHEW has been working with the Royal Glamorgan Hospital to run a pilot testing RFID tracking. Passive tags have been placed on bladder scanners, wheelchairs and rental beds throughout the hospital, along with software to provide staff with real time information on where equipment is. We wanted to understand the real benefits for patients, staff and the hospital of this technology and so commissioned an external evaluation to determine the business case for adoption of this technology. 

During the development of this project, we have also been able to include a two-week pilot of patient tracking, to identify the physical journeys patients take around the hospital to help better design services in the future. 

Read the full case study

Data Digital Medical Technologies
Partners / funding sources
  • Royal Glamorgan Hospital
  • Kinsetsu
  • RHCS 
Start date
Completion date
  • Updates

November 2019Pilot Comes to an End

The project has come to an end, with the team receiving the evaluation report in December 2019. Royal Glamorgan Hospital have decided to invest in the technology as a result of the pilot. Next steps for the team include disseminating learning with other health boards and exploring the potential to expand this project to oxygen canisters. 


May - November 2019Pilot Underway

The six-month pilot is underway at Royal Glamorgan Hospital. Initial findings from the pilot and the proposed evaluation process were presented at the DHEW 'Evaluating Evaluation' event in September 2019.


Jan - April 2019Installation

Installation of readers and tags, integrating the software into the hospital systems, bringing the hospitals ICT team up to speed. 


December 2018 Project scoping completed

Lots of meetings to develop the final project plan - what existing infrastructure would need to be involved or upgraded? Where will the readers go? How will we tag the equipment? How will the tracking software work with the Asset Library? 

Technology was ordered in December 2018.


Summer 2018 Procurement process

We issued two tender opportunities - one for the technology to track assets, and one for an evaluation of the technology. Kinsetsu were appointed to install the RFID tracking technology, and RHCS were appointed to conduct the evaluation. 


April 2018 Pilot project approved

Following the event, we had approval to run a pilot project to understand the benefits of tracking technology for patients, staff and the hospital. Royal Glamorgan Hospital was chosen as the pilot hospital. 


6th March 2018DHEW Asset Tracking Event

We asked the NHS Informatics directors what was their biggest challenge and the answer was 'Resource or Asset tracking'. We held our launch event on March 6th 2018 and brought together NHS and industry to understand the challenge and identify possible solutions.