We’ve just published our Annual Report for 2023/24 – always a time to pause and look back at achievements. In my case, that includes a longer look back at my time with this great organisation. Here are my reflections and top five favourite moments from last year.

Being a member of the Board of Life Sciences Hub Wales for the last seven years has been, and continues to be, one of the proudest actions in my life. Every day, the organisation helps and supports patients and citizens in Wales, with the ultimate goal of achieving better treatment and better outcomes. There’s nothing more powerful than being involved in an organisation that has that potential impact on a day-to-day basis.
I’m especially pleased to be writing this just a few months after being reappointed as Chair of Life Sciences Hub Wales. As I enter my fourth year as Chair, I couldn’t be more proud of the progress we’ve made towards our vision of Wales as the place of choice for health, care and wellbeing innovation.
In 2023/24, we continued to work with innovative partners to find solutions for frontline health and social care challenges, building both health and prosperity in Wales. My five favourite moments from 2023/24 were:
1 - Tackling Cancer
One of Life Sciences Hub Wales’ key strengths is in our ability to bring stakeholders together to solve challenges. Working together to achieve improvements for patients in Wales is deeply ingrained in our approach and that cooperative spirit has become a real passion for me in itself.
This is exemplified, as much as anywhere, in the role Life Sciences Hub Wales has played to convene and drive purpose in the Wales Cancer Industry Forum. Over two years’ progress in bringing together a wide cohort – from across life sciences and pharmaceuticals – led to a high point in 2023/24, with the launch of Welsh Government’s Tackling Cancer programme.
The Forum has led a number of successful projects to improve cancer diagnosis in regions across Wales. Now, our work will step up a gear, as we expand on this and shift to supporting the Tackling Cancer programme’s all-Wales initiatives.
2 - The Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group
Life Sciences Hub Wales has a crucial role to play in supporting more efficient and productive health and social care systems. Digital and artificial intelligence (AI) is a key priority, as these technologies offer huge potential for health and care organisations to deliver efficiencies and streamline services.
Our AI Special Interest Group provided an important forum for people to come together to collaborate and share innovation in AI, helping accelerate our ability to realise the benefits of this new technology for the good of patients. As we enter 2024/25, our support of Welsh Government’s AI Commission completes the picture, and brings the regulation of AI in healthcare settings to the forefront.
3 - Supporting electronic prescription services
On a personal level, the role Life Sciences Hub Wales has taken in administering the Community Pharmacy System Innovation Fund (CPSIF), on behalf of NHS Wales and Welsh Government, was a high point of 2023/24.
The CPSIF is supporting suppliers to develop both electronic prescription services, as well as innovation towards paperless pharmacy processes and integration with the NHS Wales App.
Pharmacy is a field that is close to my heart. I’m a former community pharmacist, and my wife and daughter are also pharmacists. As a family, the NHS – and pharmacy services in particular – has been a major focal point of our lives.
So, electronic prescription services being rolled out across Wales has been a joyous event for me. I know as much as anyone that this advance will make prescribing safer and more efficient for healthcare professionals and patients.
4 - Our sector intelligence and funding support
From personal experience of sitting as a chair of a health board, I know how difficult it is to access expertise in funding streams and bid writing. So I’m really proud that we’ve developed a resource for innovators across health and social care services, research and business to tap into collaborative grant funding. Our funding support team is establishing itself as a vital avenue for signposting to funding streams, connecting with partners and developing bids and proposals.
In addition, our sector intelligence team is becoming the trusted resource in Wales for research and guidance on our health and social care innovation landscape. Not only has this intelligence helped Welsh Government inform policy development, but a whole range of partners and providers have benefited from the in-depth knowledge we can share.
5 - Advocacy for Wales
Life Sciences Hub Wales has a significant role to play as an advocate for Wales. Life sciences is a competitive environment and a massive growth area for Wales, the UK and – indeed – the whole world.
The benefits that a strong life sciences industry can bring to Wales don’t stop at health benefits for patients. The economic development that life sciences is already contributing is hugely beneficial to many regions, with the potential to bring far more gains.
And Wales is a great place for life sciences businesses. We have a strong track record in birthing new businesses, great strengths in research and innovation, access to a highly skilled workforce, and are developing a strong infrastructure, including world-leading science parks. Plus, of course, it’s a great place to live.
In 2023/24, we got this message across louder than ever. Just one of the ways we did this was with our new Innovation Directory, which showcases the vast array of organisations in Wales's vibrant innovation ecosystem. This growing directory already includes hundreds of organisations and is an important way for us to facilitate collaboration, as well as to amplify success stories from across Wales.
I’m a passionate Welshman and I, for one, am pleased to be adding my voice to that effort, by continuing to shout about everything Wales has to offer.
Our 2023/24 Annual Report is out now. Read it for more about our impact last year and plans for the future.