London, UK

With a budget of more than £1bn per year its mission is to provide staff and patients with the technology that is required to fulfil the ambitions of The Future of Healthcare policy paper and the NHS 10-year plan.

Digital Health Innovation

As the momentum to modernise the NHS through digital transformation continues, a new initiative has been launched to support progress. NHSX came into existence on 1st July 2019.

With a budget of more than £1bn per year its mission is to provide staff and patients with the technology that is required to fulfil the ambitions of The Future of Healthcare policy paper and the NHS 10-year plan.

The organisation is made up of expertise brought together into one team from the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement and has a mandate to digitally enable the NHS through programmes of transformation and lead policy, implementation, Delivering Digital Health Innovation - London - 6 October and change.

NHSX’s main responsibilities for NHS technology, digital and data include:

  • The setting of national policy
  • Encourage new technological innovations
  • Support digital skills and culture
  • Development and sharing of best practices
  • Drive interoperability
  • Set IT standards
  • Improve procurement

Open Forum Events invite you to join us at the DigiHealth UK-Delivering Digital Transformation conference for an update on the latest government proposals to transform the NHS through Digital, Data and Technology.

The emphasis of the day will be on the practical: this is an opportunity to hear from a programme of high-level speakers discussing the future policies and implementation strategies for a 21st century healthcare system.

Delegates will:

  • Gain an understanding of the new structural organisation for IT strategy and the allocation of responsibilities to deliver technological transformation
  • Receive greater insight into the programmes of work that are to be progressed and built upon, whilst ensuring integrity and security are upheld
  • Hear how the workforce is to be supported with the necessary training and skills to fully release the potential of digital technologies
  • Learn from examples of best practice that are already making significant impacts to patients and staff
Are you interested in attending?
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