The ARCH Innovation Forum will again open its virtual doors in early 2021 and offers a platform for presenters to engage with a multi-disciplinary panel of experts from academia, NHS, and industry.

The collaboration between Swansea University, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Swansea Bay University Health Board, and the Accelerate Healthcare Technology Centre, is designed to accelerate innovation across the health and care sector, that improves the health, wealth and wellbeing in South West Wales.
The forum is chaired on a rota basis by, Professor Keith Lloyd, Executive Dean PVC at the Faculty of Health and Life Science at Swansea University, Dr Richard Evans, Executive Medical Director at Swansea Bay University Health Board and Honorary Professor at Swansea University, Dr Phil Kloer, Executive Medical Director at Hywel Dda University Health Board, and Dr Leighton Phillips, Deputy Director, Research, and Innovation at Hywel Dda University Health Board.
In its first year, the ARCH Innovation Forum held panel sessions for 20 innovations, some of which have led to collaborations with the Accelerate Healthcare Technology Centre led by Swansea University Medical School. The forum also signposted further applications to funding sources that were available to them, which led to one innovation winning a portion of the £200,000 prize at the 8th Welsh Health Hack. In addition, the Forum continues to connect applicants to a network of health and care professionals and industry partners that are supporting the development of their ideas and creating long-lasting partnerships.
Following its success during 2020, the ARCH Innovation Forum is calling for new applications for panel sessions that will begin in March 2021. The forum will again be held virtually, by Zoom or Teams meetings, and will follow the previous format.
Each presenter will receive 10 minutes to present, pitch, or demonstrate their innovation to the panel, followed by 10 minutes of discussion and Q&A.
After their pitch, presenters will receive bespoke, written feedback that includes advice and guidance on how to improve or develop the innovation, highlighting any potential considerations of implementation, route to market, and signposting to funding or support mechanisms or collaborators.
The forum is a ‘safe place’ to foster innovative thinking and stretch boundaries. Feedback is always constructive and in the spirit of regional collaboration. Non-disclosure agreements are signed in advance on behalf of each institution to allow presenters to discuss their innovation in confidence.
If you have an idea that might make a difference to the health and care sector in Wales, we would love to hear from you.
Visit the link below and tell us about your idea, the healthcare needs it meets, what challenges you have identified and outline the support that you are seeking. You can submit your application electronically or, download and return via email to