It is well known the earlier cancer is detected, the better the chance of a positive outcome for patients.
Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) with the Wales Cancer Network and the Christie NHS Foundation have launched GatewayC for Primary Care Clinicians in general practice in Wales.

GatewayC is a free training programme in early cancer diagnosis. It includes how to spot those often-elusive red flags that signify early stages of cancer and supports clinical decision-making ultimately improving the care and support of those diagnosed.
The free training offers over 30 hours of continuous professional development in the form of courses, webinars, and documentary-like videos.
Moreover, the personalised learning comes in bite-size pieces enabling primary care clinicians to learn flexibly around their busy schedules. The platform also allows lifetime access, so learners can refresh their memory of everything they’ve learned at any point in time.
Professor Pushpinder Mangat, Executive Medical Director, Health Education and Improvement Wales, said:
"This is an excellent evaluated online resource intended for free use by clinical colleagues working across Primary and Community Care in Wales. All modules follow NICE NG12 guidance and contain more than thirty hours of CPD. I would urge all Primary and Community Care Practitioners to access GatewayC with the aim of aiding earlier cancer diagnoses resulting in better timely care for patients."
For more information about the GatewayC resource, head to: About Us - GatewayC
To register for GatewayC, please visit: Registration - Wales - GatewayC