Accelerate supported innovators with academic, industry or clinical backgrounds translate their ideas into solutions, or progress existing solutions towards adoption within health and social care. The goal was to help the development and adoption of products and solutions that benefit patients, improve NHS Wales, and boost the Welsh economy.

The programme ran from 2018-22, with funding from Welsh Government through the European Regional Development Fund, the partners, and Welsh health boards.
Partner organisations in the programme included University of Wales Trinity Saint David's Assistive Technologies Innovation Centre (ATiC), Cardiff University's Clinical Innovation Accelerator (CIA), Swansea University's Healthcare Technology Centre (HTC) and Life Sciences Hub Wales.
These partners provided skills, knowledge and expertise in areas such as healthcare provisioning and economic development, biomedical research, and medical device technology. Other services offered included marketing and communications training and support, connecting innovators to appropriate leaders in relevant fields and helping people to navigate the life sciences ecosystem.