The Clinical Innovation Accelerator is hosted by Cardiff University at the Heath Park Campus on the University Hospital of Wales (UHW) site.

CIA benefits from its longstanding partnerships with its regional health boards and trusts, working together with industry and other private and public sector organisations to accelerate the translation of clinical innovation. In addressing clinical need and the challenges of the provision of healthcare this leads to improvements in healthcare whilst delivering wider economic and societal benefits through industry growth in the region.
Cardiff’s acknowledged, consistent track record of the exploitation and impact of its research underpins its commitment to further establish strategic and collaborative partnerships with major private and public sector organisations and also to support the development and growth of the thriving SME cluster in Wales, particularly in the “medtech” sector. Cardiff University’s commitment to innovation is exemplified by its investment in its Innovation Campus in the City Centre and, in the present context, by its Clinical Innovation Partnership and the joint venture between Cardiff University and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board in the acquisition of the Cardiff Medicentre.