Bringing pharmacy into the Digital Age

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, Community Pharmacies have remained stagnant for two decades. However, the demand for clinical services alongside traditional medicine supply necessitates a pivotal operational shift.

Third party
Working collaboratively to improve eye care for patients across Wales

By joining together primary and secondary health care, and maximising the use of digital advancements, a series of eye care reform initiatives led by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (Cardiff and Vale UHB) are helping to reduce waiting times and improve outcomes for patients with urgent eye conditions.

Life Sciences Hub Wales
Wales’ Virtual Hospital

Accelerate is supporting a multi-disciplinary, and cross-speciality, undergraduate and postgraduate online virtual environment (Wales’ Virtual Hospital)

Life Sciences Hub Wales
Development of a Physiotherapy Intelligent Virtual Reality System Overview

Accelerate is supporting the delivery of this project through Cardiff University’s academic and clinical expertise, alongside the provision of project management and support for a research associate. HexTransforma Healthcare are contributing their industrial expertise in digital healthcare innovation and will bring their experience in developing commercially viable solutions.

Life Sciences Hub Wales
‘Sleeping Lions’ stress and anxiety management system for classrooms

ATiC worked with Pembrokeshire-based Gwylan UK to evaluate and develop Sleeping Lions, a product which aims to help children manage their mental and physical health. This is achieved by performing exercises which help them increase their mindfulness, reduce their breathing rate, connect to their bodies, and calm themselves down.

Life Sciences Hub Wales
Using remote physiotherapy sensors to improve patient outcomes

Denton RPA are a Cardiff-based physiotherapy service provider who use digital tech solutions to help empower patients and clinicians to achieve better outcomes. Using re.flex’s 3D motion sensors, Denton RPA provides a unique remote rehabilitation experience for preventative, pre, and post-op patients.

Life Sciences Hub Wales
Digital Trauma Resilience Training: DNA Definitive creates legacy for healthcare staff in Wales

As one of five successful Digital Solutions Fund (DSF) bids, and to provide support to NHS staff across Wales, DNA Definitive rapidly piloted a digital learning solution for trauma response management. This has demonstrated how an established programme can be quickly adapted to a digital solution, making it more accessible for those who need it. It also has long-term applications for a blended solution far beyond COVID-19.


Venous thromboembolic diseases (VTE) are caused by a thrombus (blood clot) occurring in a vein. Patients are assessed for their VTE risk when they enter a hospital.

Connect Health delivers digital physiotherapy support in the face of COVID-19

The Digital Solutions Fund (DSF) is a Welsh Government-funded programme coordinated by the Digital Health Ecosystem Wales (DHEW) to support the COVID-19 response. Connect Health was the first project to run. PhysioNow, the digital musculoskeletal triage and self-assessment tool, piloted in two Health Boards (Hywel Dda and Cwm Taf Morgannwg) in autumn 2020.

Bid success for a Networked Data Lab in Wales

In a bid coordinated by DHEW, Public Health Wales, in partnership with the NHS Wales Informatics Service, Swansea University and Social Care Wales were selected as one of five of The Health Foundation Networked Data Labs to be established in the UK in 2020. This case study looks at the journey taken by the partners to secure the £400k funding. 

RFID tracking at Royal Glamorgan Hospital

DHEW worked with the Royal Glamorgan Hospital to run a pilot testing RFID tracking. Passive tags were been placed on bladder scanners, wheelchairs and rental beds throughout the hospital, along with software to provide staff with real time information on where equipment is.

Educating RiTTA

Through the person-centred design thinking process, Velindre, in conjunction with Pfizer Oncology and IBM Watson, have developed the world’s first artificial intelligence enabled virtual assistant trained in oncology to proof of concept.

DHEW Collaborate with Patients Know Best & DrDoctor

This project saw NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), Value Based Health Care (VBHC), Patients Know Best (PKB) and Dr Doctor (DrDr) collaborate to improve the process around the collection and storage of PROMs data.

The Mullany Fund and ATiC

Accelerate partners, ATiC, are working with The Mullany Fund to educate students about user experience research in the life sciences sector.

eHealth Digital Media: Living with Dementia

The ATiC team assisted with mobile eye-tracking in an experiment with Kimberley’s parents who are both living with dementia. Can we better support adults to live independently?

Digital Health Ecosystem Wales and Concentric Health Collaboration

Digital Health Ecosystem Wales (DHEW), a collaboration between NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) and Life Sciences Hub Wales, has collaborated with Welsh health technology startup Concentric Health on a project to develop and understand the potential for APIs within the healthcare system in Wales.