Peter Max

Peter chairs the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and, on behalf of the Board, supports Life Sciences Hub Wales with two core themes – being firstly social care and secondly, finance and procurement.
Peter was originally a chartered accountant focusing on public services and charities, before spending four years in corporate finance and private equity roles. Subsequently, he co-founded, and was the Responsible Individual for, a Welsh start-up in social care providing support for individuals with a mental health diagnosis. He now works for a residential family centre, a preventative social care service supporting Welsh Government’s aim of reducing the number of children being looked after.
As a non-executive, Peter serves on two Welsh advisory Boards – Care Inspectorate Wales and Marie Curie.
Previously Peter spent 7 years as an Independent Member on the NHS Wales National Delivery Group within the Welsh Government’s Department of Health and Social Services, and served on the Board and Audit Committee of Social Care Wales, as well as chairing their Improvement Committee.